Sunday, October 4, 2009

and Presenting, CHOCOLATE LEO!

the day has finally dawned for chocolate lovers everywhere! As mentioned for the chocolate leo post, i put the idea into fruition, producing quite a delicious hunk of chocolatey goodness in lion form.

here are the steps:

firstly, I made a clay sculpture of the lion using Sculpey and then baked it for 15 minutes.

then after cooling, the mold is ready to be made. Using Amazing Mold Putty , I spread the putty over the lion face making sure to avoid spreading the putty too thinly and covering every inch of the thing.

after letting the putty cure for 20 minutes, the mold should hold its own and easily have taken the shape of the lion face.

Now melt some chocolate and pour it into the mold (BE CAREFUL NOT TO OVERSPILL) and let sit for about 20 minutes in the fridge

Now once you remove the mold, you have a chocolate lion!!!

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